GrowthCLUB - Business Strategy Workshop

GrowthCLUB is a business growth strategy workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both educational and fun.

Key Learnings

Here are some of the top learnings you will get from this event

Create a 90 day business plan

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Take control and get organized

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Learn proven profit strategies

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Date & Time

July 1, 2026 9:00 AM

7 hours



Mobile eTicket


Meet & Greet: 9:00 AM -  9.30 AM

Session 1: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Lunch: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Session 2: 01:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Break: 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Networking: 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

About this event

Many business owners get caught up in the day-to-day of their business. Finding time to plan and to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t can be extremely difficult. GrowthCLUB is your 90 day business plan workshop. We will inspire and assist you to build a step-by-step, practical, relevant, tailor-made action business growth strategy, covering the next 90 days, aimed at driving more profit into your business. We will teach you how to write a 90 day business plan that will drive success to your business. You will also gain access to some of the best business tools for success.

Did you know that 2% of business owners have a written plan... and even fewer stick to it?

Here’s how it works...

  • One day business planning, held on a regular basis, to map out your next 90 days
  • Workshops and focus sessions with all members of the club
  • Opportunity to learn from the strategies implemented in other businesses
  • Broaden your sphere of contacts by networking with other business owners in your area
  • Who should attend?

    GrowthCLUB is designed for business owners and senior managers who will get the most benefit from the day. Of course, anyone is welcome though. Many business owners choose to bring one or two of their senior team. It often helps to bring along more than one person from a company, as it can make it easier to create a 90 day business plan on the day. It also means you can hit the ground running back at the office when it comes to implementing the business growth strategy.

    Suitable for small businesses too

    This programme isn’t just for big businesses… GrowthCLUB is for any size of business. Whether you’re the business owner with no employees, or part of a large organisation with a large team. All sizes of business attend this programme. In fact the variety makes it more interesting, and great for extending our range of business contacts. Everyone needs a 90 day business plan! Many of our attendees find commonality and end up selling to each other or collaborating in other ways –  an added benefit.

    By the end of each workshop, you will have a clear idea of where your business will be after 90 days. As well as a plan to get you there. So what are you waiting for?


    Don't miss out. Secure your spot!